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€ 26,99
Prijs per 0.7 liter
Aantal: Bestellen
Mandarine Napoléon is an exquisite, well-balanced blend of mandarins and refined 10-year-old aged cognac. Dating back to the early 1800s, and its roots stemming from the hands of Napoléon Bonaparte, the liqueur’s history is as rich as its distinctive flavor. The drink was custom made for Napoléon, after the emperor came across chemist Antoine-François de Fourcroy, known for his extraordinary skill of distilling. It was not until 1892, after the two had died, that the liqueur was introduced to the public.

€ 26,99
Prijs per 0.7 liter
Aantal: Bestellen
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​U moet 18 jaar of ouder zijn om alcoholische dranken te kunnen bestellen.